Panama weather in July
Avg. temperature: 27.5°C / 81.5°F | Rain: 168.5 mm per month |
Sun: 3.4 hrs per day (sunshine) / 12.6 hrs per day (daylight) | Avg. Humidity: 80% |
It’s the middle of the wet season but temperatures are more than pleasant so don’t let the rain put you off visiting Panama in July! Panama’s weather in July can be wet, but it’s quite a lot drier than the months of May and June, so there’s a little respite from the heavy downpours you may expect during the rainy season.
While there are on average 17 rainy days in July, the good news is that this tends to be concentrated to an hour or so in the mid-late afternoon. So, as long as you check the weather forecast, it’s quite easy to plan your day around the expected drizzle!
The coasts tend to be the wettest areas, and the Pacific coast can experience storms during July. We’d still recommend spending at least a couple of days in a beach town (or even an island!) though, as the sunshine warms the sea in the mornings, when the skies are dry and clear.
Our main advice for travelling to Panama in July is to pack for the heat, with a lightweight waterproof layer you can easily pack away once the rain goes away!
Here’s our short guide on how to enjoy Panama in July.
Things to do in Panama in July
Have a whale of a time off Panama’s Pacific coast
In an escape from the ice cold waters of the far north, Humpback Whales in their thousands journey to the warm waters of Pacific Panama between June and October each year to mate and give birth.
One of the best places in the world to observe Humpback Whales is in the Pearl Islands, a group of over 200 islands located around 30 miles off Panama’s Pacific coast. The adult whales can measure up to 15 metres and weigh an average of 40 tons, and to see them playing with the young whale calves as a truly majestic experience.
And if the whales don’t interest you, you might be interested to know that there’s a high chance of spotting various dolphin species, that regularly swim right up to the sailboat!
Attend the National Festival of the Pollera in Las Tablas on July 22nd
This official holiday has been part of tradition since 1961 and marks the celebration of traditional Panamanian dress, the pollera. Hundreds of women parade through Las Tablas wearing the traditional dress, in a celebration of the hard work of artisans who carefully craft these intricately designed costumes, which are worth tens of thousands of dollars.
The main event held during the festival is a contest where ladies wearing polleras made all over Panama compete for the “Margarita Lozano Medal”. There are other contests held during the festival, including musical competitions and even one dedicated to hats. Yes, hats!
The festival is hugely popular and the city of Las Tablas promotes it as a cultural tourism, successfully attracting around 300,000 tourists each year.
Expect a wild street festival complete with music, food and dancing!
Stick around Las Tablas for the Fiesta de Santa Librada
If you have time, we’d recommend arriving early if you’re attending the Pollera festival to experience this 4 day event. In true Latin American style, in celebration of the patron saint of Las Tablas expect street parties, religious services and processions in Península de Azuero.
Have a taste of city life in Panama’s capital
We think that any rainy season is a great time to explore the city, as there are plenty of places to take shelter when the downpour hits, and in cosmopolitan Panama City there’s plenty to keep you occupied indoors. There are many museums and galleries in Panama City where you could easily while away a few hours on a particularly wet day, if you’re looking for a little culture, history and education.
If that’s not your bag, then maybe shopping is! If so, you’re in luck as Panama City is home to some massive shopping malls, and is even known as the fashion hub of Latin America. The Multiplaza is a mega-massive mall with more than 150 stores and 30 restaurants, while the Albrook Mall is the biggest in all of Panama.
We know that one of the greatest pleasures of travelling overseas is exploring the great cuisines of the world and tasting different cultures through food. Thankfully, Panama City is a rising star in the culinary world and with hundreds of restaurants and cafes you certainly won’t go hungry.
There’s plenty of variety, from upscale fine dining establishments to more relaxed, low-key restaurants with an effortless and tropical vibe. Restaurants serve up locally sourced food, typically in a fusion of Spanish, Asian, and Latin techniques and flavors.
Best time to visit Panama: Jan • Feb • Mar • Apr • May • Jun • Jul • Aug • Sep • Oct • Nov • Dec